We are a Group of Nordonia Residents that would like to have a web site that concentrates on Nordonia News and events. We are private individuals that do not work for any local government or other news media outlets. We do not get paid by any local government to do web hosting, Web Maintenance, email management or Social media postings on their behalf like the other Nordonia web site. This allows us to be impartial unlike the other web sites in town. They will only tell you what they are allowed to tell you by the people who pay them. This does not seem to be a good idea to us as we all have opinions and we should all get the fair chance to state our opinion. We will post any and all opinions as long as they are not vulgar and meet media professional standards. We expect any opinions to be backed up in the proper personal or factual manner. If it is your opinion you must state it that way. WE welcome Op-eds! If you have facts you must present them. We are looking for like minded individuals in the Nordonia area that would like to participate. Everyone is welcome to participate at whatever level you would like. If you want to share information about your Group or Organization, share pictures or just make comments then you are what we need. Please share this information as well as our Facebook link with everyone in the Nordonia area that you know.